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Intimation for double payment

If you have paid the fees twice, due to any technical error or bad internet connectivity and seeking refund of one transaction. you may submit the form below.
Details of the Candidate
Registration No. :
Candidate Name :
Course :
Mobile :
E-mail :
(Failed Transaction Details where Amount is Deducted from your account)
Date :
Transaction ID/Bank Ref. No. :
Fees Amount Paid :
Payment Acknowledgement/Screenshot/Bank Statement/Passbook Copy :
(Successful Transaction Details After which you have downloaded the form)
Date :
Transaction ID :
Amount :
Upload Screenshot/Bank Account Statement [Second Transaction] :
Upload ID Prof (AAdhar/PAN/College I-Card) :
Details of Bank Account where refund of failed transaction can be provided.
Account Holder's Name as per Bank Account :
Bank Name :
Account Number :
Branch Name :
All the above information is correct as per my knowledge and I understand that the process of verification and refund can take time.
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